Thursday, October 18, 2007

Do American's Really Visit Bushes?

I rearranged my room today. My table stands under my window and if someone were to pry the window open, they could easily grab things and pull them out. Someone did this to Erin in her kitchen. They took a box of cereal, which is not easy to come by here. A box of cereal here costs almost $10 USD.

Not only is it safer to move my table, I like rearranging rooms. My room is small. It feels like a new place with the bed on the other wall.


After doing the work I assigned them in class, I work with the S2 students to “brainstorm” (I have to explain what this term means) on a letter they will write to Inverness Middle School, one of the schools I substitute taught at in Florida. I ask them to raise their hand and I will write a question they have for those students on the board. I have a girl in the first row copy the questions into my notebook.

I don’t tell the kids, but the same questions they ask, they will have to answer about themselves in the letter they write to Florida.

These are the questions that were asked:

Do Americans take tests?

What subjects do you study?

How long does it take to finish school?

Which level is your last?

How many languages do you use at school?

What are your favorite subjects?

Do you study sciences? Which ones?

Do your teachers cane you?

Do you hold debates at school?

Do you play sports or games?

What do you eat for lunch at school?

How many classes do you have?

What is your climate like?

Do you have clans or tribes?

How many hours are you at school everyday?

In America, how many children does the average family have?

How do you get to school?

How much are your school fees?

At what age do you start having boyfriends and girlfriends?

At what age do you get married?

Do you celebrate your birthdays?

Do Americans celebrate Christmas?

Do American teachers get paid?

Do Americans have banks?

Do Americans dance the Calypso?

Do Americans elect their presidents?

What kind of desks do you use at school?

Do Americans have traditional dances?

Do Americans suffer from AIDS or STDs?

Do Americans use condoms?

How do Americans protect themselves from AIDS?

Do you have jackfruit?

Do you have pineapple?

Are there monkeys in America?

Do Americans grow crops or farm?

Do Americans wear flip flops?

What kind of clothes do you wear?

Do you wear school uniforms?

Do Americans have ghosts?

Do Americans really visit bushes? (camping)


Everyone is back by dinner. It is nice to have everyone back. Lydia is happy to see me and gives me a hug. I am happy that they are here. I felt like the place was a few seconds from total chaos.. Lord of the Flies and everything. I’m glad Lydia is back and can tell Dora what is happening and that we do not hate her cooking, but did not want her to cook that night because of the Typhoid stuff.

At dinner Kate fills us in on the trip. They stayed with this guy who owns a large banana farm, who with the money he makes, takes care of twenty orphans, paying their school fees and feeding them along with his own wife and family.

It is good to hear things like that.

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